The whole world was cursed with the tree of knowledge of good and evil because of Adam and Eve's mistake and a person thought in their mind comes from the tree of knowledge of good and evil because of this curse and this is where it comes down to the serious part a person would need to be aware of, their thoughts in their mind
comes from good and evil, good vs evil and the whole world was cursed with this knowledge and a have a choice to choose, good are evil and people do not know which one they are choosing, and their thoughts are being manipulated by entities and are in a delusional mind because they cannot tell the difference what they are
thinking in their mind if it is for real are not and is believing what they are thinking in their mind is the truth and the person cannot tell the difference their thoughts are being manipulated by entities, is because the person cannot discern what good and evil is, and a person would have to know what God is telling them for the
person to discern and recognize what good and evil is. This delusion and their thoughts in their mind come from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, the whole world was cursed with the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil because of Adam and Eve's mistake and people cannot tell the difference their thoughts are
being manipulated by entities and believe and think they were told the truth with the real gospel from God, not realizing they were manipulated into thinking they were told the truth and do not know the difference and think they have the real gospel and were misled by seducing spirits and doctrines of devils; teaching false
doctrine, speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron and they manipulated the whole world believing the false doctrine was the real gospel and people were not told the truth what is coming here in the book of Revelation and real the gospel was written about people here in this time and their
ancestors and God commandments and the future and prophecies they are bringing to pass. And they are misleading people here in this time with the real gospel and false doctrine and manipulated people believing they were saved and were told the truth and was delivered from evil spirits and they manipulated people believing the
sabbath day is on a Saturday and the church will be rapture first before the great tribulation here in the future and they manipulated people believing they were legally married here in this time, and they didn't tell people the true church in the bible is buildeth unto the Lord's name and manipulated people believing they can
be saved in any church buildeth unto man's name, and they manipulated people believing they were leading them to salvation and have power and authority to cast out evil spirits and break curses and heal the sick and they manipulated people believing they can erase bad karma and break curses and self-deliverance and evil
spirits are the dead and they manipulated people believing they have real anointing oil and can anoint themselves and their homes and business. The false doctrine of man does not come from the real gospel and do not speak the same truth and according to the bible there is only one gospel, written for all mankind and the
whole world were cursed with the knowledge of good and evil because of Adam and Eve's mistake here centuries ago in the book of Genesis and people do not know they were misled by paranoid delusional evil spirits pretending to be priests leading them to salvation here in this time. The King James Bible has another
version and is not the same as the original King James Bible and only the original King James Bible comes from the real gospel based on ancient historians and prophecies people are bringing to pass, and God commandments. Click on links below for more details. In the book of Revelation chapter 12:9, the devil deceived
the whole world, and it is people in this time who is deceived and are making the same mistake here in this time their ancestors made in the bible and are rejecting God's law because they believe what they were thinking in their mind was the truth and this was the same mistake people made in the bible, they believe what they
were thinking in their mind was the truth and rejected God's law and because of their mistake people in this time were not told the truth and people have the real gospel here in this time to them the truth and people are not paying attention are serious about what God is telling them in the real gospel. And while people are too
busy being distracted with other important matters, they do not have the sense enough to realize they are screw and have destroyed themselves because of foolishness and a person job and money and house and cars and friends and family cannot save them when the time comes and need to realize they will be leaving this
earth one day on the other side and the men are just as ignorant as the women are here in this time and need someone to talk some sense into their head because they are not thinking and will be destroy this way and do not have the sense enough to know their minds were screwed by entities deceiving them and they manipulated
people believing the vaccine is protecting them from getting sick and the person can still become infected with the virus not showing signs. The vaccine only contains virus bacterial in the body for a short period of time from destroying the lung cells and when the vaccine is no longer protecting the bacterial in the body, people can
get sick and die and they are using the vaccine and virus bacterial to destroy people here in this time and are manipulating people believing the virus is no longer here. People are involving themselves with evil spirits here in this time to gain wealth and power and protection and have destroyed themselves this way because an evil spirit
has nothing to do with a person having life, but eternal death in hell and a person thinking cannot change what God is telling a person in the bible and what was written because a person wants to believe what truth is and people are still believing today what they are thinking in their mind is the truth, not realizing they were
manipulated into believing lies for the truth and people are not living here in this time because it is their choice and think they do not have laws to obey and have not receive instruction from God. And people are being manipulate by paranoid delusional spirits and they want control of a person mind and body, and they are
uncontrolling creatures and want to have their way with people and they are too dangerous and crazy to be around people are anyone, I never thought it come a day I meet a crazy spirit, and they are dangerous uncontrolling creatures want control of the earth and people and how can something crazy not in its right mind be in
charge of the earth and people and have no idea they are insane evil spirits with a one-track delusional mind and have the whole nations and people fighting and out of control because they are crazy and are out of control and when something know it is crazy are supposed to be to themselves and not around people and they want
control of the earth and to be the ones to wear the pants and know they have no sense are control to wear a pants and what do a uncontrolling creature want being around people for and know they are crazy and want to bring their crazy sh#t around people and want a person to be intimated by them.
In Their Mind Is Not Real, Is An Illusion
People Become Aware They Were Lying To Them And Have Put Their Life And Soul In Danger Lying To Them About The Truth, Will Not Look Good For Them!!!
It Is Something Terribly Wrong With Every Single Church Here In Our Time And State And Is Not In Their Right Frame Of Mind And Is Damn Paranoid!!
A Generation Of Cursed Vipers And Demons Descendants Of Cain Corrupt Bloodline Living Here In Our Time..
A Curse Is Upon Them Because Of The Sins Of Their Forefathers And Because Of Their Sins And Trespass Against God And Have Broken His Covenant He Gave Them Into The Hand Of The Heathen; And They That Hated Them Ruled Over Them And Sold Their Ancestors Into Slavery And Ripped Up Their Women With Child.