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A Generation Of Cursed Vipers Descendants Of Cain Corrupt Bloodline Cursed With Serpent DNA Will

Writer: Ancient Research Of The BibleAncient Research Of The Bible

Updated: Nov 3, 2022

A Generation Of Cursed Vipers Descendants Of Cain Corrupt Bloodline Cursed With Serpent DNA Will Burn Here In The Future With Fire!!

People do not seem to get it; people is not living here on this earth because it is their choice and live here without the gospel and think they are here in this world to stay and are being possessed and destroyed by evil spirits using people and themselves to murder people in cold blood and should know by now the whole nations are in a constant state of turmoil and have a

serious problem on their hands and is way too important to annoy and it is not like what people do not know is a secret about the gospel and the government and church cannot hide this from people and make them think they are just living here like this and not telling people the truth and needs to destroy them damn selves them and those nasty unclean spirits they are hiding here

from the world for lying and what is the damn point they are trying to make people and the nations think this is not true and when it is and think they can take everything what God is telling people in the bible and just throw it out the door and they are the ones the damn lairs and like if it is supposed to be a damn secret what they are doing here in this time attacking the nations

like a damn fool and are supposed to be so call important leaders ruling the nations and not telling people about this, like if this is some kind of damn game, is just damn crazy and how can it be a damn secret what they are doing here in this time if what God is telling a person in the bible is true and what is the damn point they are trying to prove here, because it is not like

people can live here on this earth with unclean spirits in them and annoy the problem because the person is already destroyed, and this is not one person problem and the whole world is face with the same problem here and how much more long will this trash continue, and a person would be a damn fool if they believe this is not true and just because what people do not know

will not stop this problem and what is happening here and what is the point people is talking about God here for if they do not know what he is telling them in the bible and how can people just live in a world but do not know what the hell is going on and how can a person think what God is telling them in the bible is not important if they have not read the bible and just because

what a person think is not important to them, but how do they know what God is telling them is not important. And how can you have a world full of people and do not know about this, is just damn crazy and how can people just live in a world with evil spirits fill with evil and hate and lies and is not aware of this problem and is not concern about their own life and soul is in danger

and the whole nations are being threatening by ugly damn creatures hiding their identity and is manipulating and playing games with the whole nations and I guess they are supposed to be the only ones who know what is going on here and how can people are supposed to be talking about the gospel but still not know about this problem here yet and it is not like a person can just sit

here and pretend this is not for real and needs to face reality and things will not be this way here for long, people living peacefully in their homes and can come and go when they are ready and go to their jobs and can live here in freedom will not be this way here for long and the whole world is face with the same problem here. People is not searching the scriptures and do not

know they are living here with terrestrial's and celestial's creatures, and demons in a terrestrial ghost body orb form can live in a human body and can possessed a person and use a person in their body to do unclean things and bad things and people are living here with terrestrial in them because of sin and because they are separated from God and demons in celestials' bodies have

serpent DNA and their own body and can breed with a human. And how demons in celestials' bodies came here into existing, was pass down through generations from a corrupt bloodline with serpent DNA because of curses. And Eve and Adam were commanded not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and Eve were tempted by the serpent and ate from the tree of

knowledge of good and evil and shared the fruit with her husband, Adam and Eve and Adam both disobeyed God and man was cursed and was separated from God. And God put enmity the serpent seed and Eve seed in the book of Genesis chapter 3:1-24 and Genesis 4:1-26 and Genesis 1:1-30 and Genesis 4-1-26 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face

of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and came down from heaven and they took them wives of all which they chose, and they bare children to them. In Genesis 6:1-22 and in 2 Peter 2:4 God Punished his angels and casted them down to hell abounded in chains and people are in the church here for

nothing wasting their damn time and are being deceived by demons and the devil have offspring's living here in this time passed down from a corrupt bloodline with serpent DNA. And a person might be wondering, how did the devil offspring come back here into existing if God destroyed the whole earth with a great flood here centuries ago in the bible, in Genesis 6:9-10

and Genesis 5:28-30 Noah was a righteous man and his father's name were Lamech and they were descendants of Seth, and Adam was the father of Seth Genesis 4:25-26 and Genesis 5:3-5 and Genesis 5:28-30 And Eve and Adam had three sons and Cain murdered Abel his brother and God cursed Cain and Adam and Eve had another son name Seth and Genesis 4:1-26 and Genesis

5:1-32 and Genesis 6:9-10 Noah was a righteous man and walked with God and the bible does not mention the name of Noah's wife and his three sons' wives name and what bloodline they come from and people already came into generation here centuries ago from Cain and Seth bloodline before the great flood took place and Noah's wife and his sons three wives could have

come from Cain bloodline before the great flood took place here centuries ago and explains how the devil's offspring are living here in our time, in Genesis 7:1-24 and 1 Corinthians 15:39-41 the bible talks about the flesh of man and the flesh of beasts and of fishes and birds and also celestial bodies and bodies terrestrial and demons in terrestrial ghost bodies can live in a

human body and can use a person in their body to do unclean things and the filthy, stinky bastards have no shame are respect, like a dog and will attack a child in its body sexually and they are mocking people here in this time and is talking dirty about it and is a corrupt damn whore themselves and stupid demons, and people think there is nothing going on here and is in

a state of emergency and the damn fools are working, so hard, day and night to distract the whole nations tempting them with, money and porn and free vacations and drugs and cocaine and beer and materials and occult music videos and Tv games to win money and prizes and lotteries and commercials advertising fashion clothes and jewelry, and they are talking to

people about all this junk here just to tempt them to keep them busy to distracted them and is pretending to be talking to people in the media, like they care about the nations and is setting the nations up to get them destroyed when God punishes these whole nations here in the future in the book of Revelation and could be any time and is going to deal with this nations and people

here in this time just like he dealt with their ancestors in the bible. The most important book ever written in history of mankind greatest history the bible, written here centuries ago in ancient times about people here in this time and your ancestors and future descendants and God commandments. When most people read the bible, they think all gospel is the same and when

there is only one gospel written for all mankind to obey God's law, the same gospel Jesus Christ teach to his followers here centuries ago was written about our time and the future and God's law and the King James Bible have other version and is not the same as the original King James Bible gospel and only the original King James Bible comes from the original gospel written about

your ancestors' history and the present and God commandments and the future. And what make the bible to be the most important book, is what the bible is telling you about the future and God's law and the present time and the pass. And people do not know what God is telling them in the original gospel about our time and what is coming to pass here in the future based on the

book Revelation they are threatening to take the nations down here in the future and nations are at war because of their rebellion against God and people and nations and tongues will die here in the future and a third of this earth will be destroy and will burn with fire. They Are Threatening To Take The Whole Nations Down Here In The Future In The Book Of Revelation And Nations Are At War Because Of Their Rebellion Against God!!



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