A National Emergency Public Broadcast!!!
The Government Is Planning An Act Of Terrorism And War Against These Whole Nations Here In The Future In The Book Of Revelation,,
How could the public not know about this, and what the government have been hiding, and they are building a large army here now, as I speak, to attack these whole nations here in the future, and millions and millions of people is going to die, and the public has no knowledge are is aware what the
government and worldwide church organizations have been hiding and didn't want the public to know and what was written in the real gospel here centuries ago doing the time of Christ and his disciples and it was written in the prophecies here centuries ago what is coming to pass here, and the bible were written about people
here in this time and their ancestors and future descendants and God commandments based on prophecies, people in this time are bringing to pass. The government and worldwide church organizations already know Jesus teach his followers the same gospel, written about people here in this time and their
ancestors and telling them what is coming to pass here in the book of Revelation and the present and they have misled the public and the whole nations with false doctrine and people were not told the truth here in this time with the real gospel and what is coming to pass here and people have been misled by demons, teaching
false doctrine pretending they are Christian men and women leading the nations to salvation and people in this time were not told the truth and what happen here in that time in the bible and have been misled by demons pretending they are church organizations to deceive the nations. And it is written in the book of Revelation
what is coming to pass here, and the prophecies written in the bible are true and we are at war, and they are not real church organizations and government of these nations send from God, they are being used by the devil to destroy the nations and have put these whole nations in danger and people are living here with demons in
them because they are separated from God and were not told the truth and the government and worldwide church organizations are protecting them lying to people pretending, they are aliens and UFOs and ghosts they have seen here and are making people in the church think, they are being set free. And people don't
know about them and their reputation and what happen here in that time in the bible, and people in this time were not aware they were deceived by demons and not real Christians leaders, was because many people in that time in the bible forsaken God's law and did not keep his commandments and God turned them over to their
enemies as of this day and when more people came into generation, they were not aware they were told lies here in this time by fake Christian men and women pretending to be priests leading people to salvation. The whole nations are about to go at war with the enemy here in the future, soon and people cannot go by because
what they do not see here for now because it is written in the book of Revelation, and they are preparing for battle here now to fight people here in this time when this prophecy comes to pass in the book of Revelation and they will be ready to strike at us, at any time and these whole nations here and this is why these whole
nations are corrupt and fill with violence, is because people have unclean spirits in them, and people are acting like they do not have any sense and are living here in wonder land and paradise and the government and church organizations know the bible is the only proof can bring them and their reputation down and this is why the
whole world is fill with violence and corruption and hate and is out of control and are going mad and screwed up, is because of evil people can see here, and it does not matter what a person believe in their mind, cannot change are stop what was written in the bible from coming to pass here. For more details, please see below.
Extended Chapter 1 to 2
The Whole Nations Is At War'' The Government Of Our Nations And Country Are A Two-Faced Lying Dishonest Scumbags And Wild Dumb Dogs With A One-Track Delusional Mind And Have Misled Our Nations And Country And The Government Plans For Our Nations And Country Here In The Future In The Book Of Revelation, Is War!!