How Can They Be World Leaders And Since They Are Doing This Intentional Telling Lies And Being Dishonest With The Nations And Attacking The Nations And Think, They Can Make Excuses With The Whole Nations Here, Because They Are Full Of Sh*t With Games, The Nations Have Their Rights To Bring This Before Their Face Out In The Open And To Tell Them Their Stupid Sh*t Will Not Be Tolerated With Here Or Their Lies, Because They Want Their Filthy Pleasure And Can Take That Sh*t Back To The Other Side In Hell!!
The government of the United Nations and church leaders are a disgrace and scum of the universe, and since world leaders and the government and church leaders are doing this intentional, telling lies and being dishonest with the nations and
attacking the nations with war and hate crimes, a person has their rights to create a scene to let the public know something is wrong and real-world leaders does not tell lies being
dishonest with the nations and make excuses and is full of sh*t, if you know something is the truth and what I hate about those bastards is their lies and being dishonest with the nations, because they know what happen here in that time in the bible and the reason people are having the same problems here in this time and are
being cursed with plagues and curses and possessed with evil spirits, is because people during that time in bible and from generations to generations, many of them did not keep God commandments and have forsaken his laws and served other gods, false gods and God turned them over to their enemies, God's chosen people
because of the covenant he made with their forefathers in those days in the bible and their enemies sold many of them into slavery and men were slaughter and women were victimized and children were murdered and when more people came here into generations, they were not aware of this problem what their ancestors did
here during their time and people did not know God turned their forefathers, their ancestors over to their enemies and their children's children was punished and cursed because of it and they cannot silence a person for speaking the truth, because it has been written and our nation fake governments and wicket church
leaders cannot change what already is and what was written, and no angel are demon can change what already is and think they can make excuses because they want their damn evil way and the government and world leaders, and church groups already know what is happening here in this time, but they are lying and
being dishonest with the whole nations about it and covered it up with false doctrine and made people here in this time think they were told the truth with the real gospel and church organizations nations to nations know the government is paying them money to mislead the nations about the truth
and the government is supporting and paying private organizations to have children kidnapped and being sold into sex trafficking and support drugs and gun violence and terrorism organizations to attack the nations with war and hate crimes and violence and starvation and diseases and have people murder and the government
is supporting and paying Nasa and world Scientifics to cover up the truth about UFOs and the government is supporting and paying world leaders to lie about the truth and people are being molested and used to kill, steal and destroy and possessed with unclean filthy spirits and people are supporting and voting for
murderers and two-face lairs and fake world leaders and church leaders and if I were that crazy, playing sick games with the nations and telling lies about themselves and their identity pretending they are there to protect and serve the nations and have put the whole nations in great danger and people are living here in
sin with dangerous spirits in them manipulating them to commit crimes and violence and the government and wicket church leaders think it is a game to them, watching people being destroyed and destroying themselves, because people are living here without God's law and telling people in the media, they wish the nations
a happen new year celebrating pagan holidays, is just sick, and I would hide under a rock, if I was that stupid showing my face in public, playing sick games with the nations and crime rate and violence and corruption are increasing here every single day and young people are being destroyed and murdered over gun violence and
drugs and hate and crimes and sexual transmitted diseases because people are living here without God's law and people do not have a choice because they can live here without God's law, and this is why bad things are happening here in this time to people and because of corrupted and wicket government and church leaders
manipulated people with their lies, they have put the whole nations in serious danger of condemnation and being destroyed and possessed by evil spirits and they can wipe out this entire generation out of existing and people are on social media playing making videos and talking about their cars and houses and pets and friends
and food and materials and money and vacations and celebrating pagan holidays and news and sports, because they are being distracted and do not see it coming, what is coming here in the book of Revelation and people are having the same problems here in this time, people had in the bible, and I am surprised people in
this time is not aware, people are walking around possessed with spirits in them, and this world is no longer a safe place to live in and families are no longer safe living together in their homes because of evil spirits and the whole nations is in a state of emergency and is facing a serious problem and if the government and
wicket church leaders think this does not concern the whole world and because of their dishonesty, being dishonest with the whole nations telling lies, they made it the whole world business. And the government and world leaders and CDC and church organizations know people do not know they are being used by evil spirits to
destroy the nations and they mean people harm and want to hurt people and want people to get vaccinated again to cause people harm and lying about Covid-19 virus and telling people in the media it is another Covid virus here, when it is the same virus people were already infected with here from last year and how in the world
did the first Covid-19 virus have gone this quick when it was already out of control when it first came here back in 2020 and now is 2024 going on five years and once something is out of control, it is hard to contain it and they already know people were infected with Covid-19 virus from last year after when people were vaccinated,
people still could become infected, not showing signs, because the virus was in the vaccine and people were already infected during all that time with the same virus from last year and this is why people are becoming ill, because they were already infected with the same virus from last year after when they were vaccinated and
now they are telling people in the media it is another Covid virus, because they do not want people to think virus bacterial was in the vaccine and is the same Covid virus from last year and how did they know for contain if the virus was gone and they are telling people it is another virus, when it is the same one from last year
after when people were vaccinated, they still could become infected, not showing signs and they want people to get vaccinated again to cause people more harm and to destroy and damage their DNA cell structure, because chemicals create free radicals in the body destroying protecting nerve cells and heart and liver tissue and
other important organs and just to be on the safe side, the vaccine may cause blood clotting and may contain virus bacterial, and aids and they already know the vaccine can cause damage to the DNA cell structure and they are not to be trusted and are being used by evil spirits and they already lied about themselves and the
gospel and do not want people to know the truth and block and age restricted and remove videos and posts. And you cannot lead a nation with lies and corruption and hate and someone that damn foolish and ignorant and nasty, is sick and belongs behind bars and locked up and is not fit to lead a nation and have no respect for
themselves are the nations and have the nerve showing their face in public and the media wearing a fake mask, pretending they are supporting our nation, telling lies and being dishonest with the nation and have put these whole nations in danger, lying about stinky creatures living in people and controlling people and people are
being molested by stupid paranoid delusional spirits living in their body and why are they lying about those stinky bastards living in people, causing violence here in the earth and do they feel about themselves now, the government of the United Nations and church leaders are a disgrace and scum of the universe and think
people and the nations are supposed to put their trust in corrupt sh*t like that and support murderers with a criminal background and bad reputation.
The Government And Church Organizations Are Full Of Sh*t And Think They Can Play That Bull Sh*t With The Public, Playing With The Nations Telling Lies, Will Backfire And They Will Get Burn And Are Full Of Sh*t, Pretending Everybody And Themselves Are Living Here With Meaning And When They Know It Is Not That Way And Is A Lie, And Dangerous Entity's Creatures Are Threating People Life And Are Possessing People And People Are Living Here In Sin And Are Corrupting Themselves And Are Living Here With Dangerous Insane Creatures Hiding In People And Sexually Attacking People In Their Body Manipulating The Person Body Making The Person Thinking They Are Feeling Sexual, And Sick Insane Creatures Are Having Sexual Pleasure With People Using Their Body To Sleep Around With Other People And Strangers And They Know What Is Going On Here In This Time And Is Making It Look Like People Are Just Living Their Life Here With Meaning And A Purpose And Think They Can Play Their Paranoid Games With The Public And When They Know It Is Not That Way!!