I Am Talking Directly To Every Church Here In This State And Country And Will Have To Be Force And Talked About Out In The Open In Every Country And State Here In This Time And Be Force To Look Bad And Be Ashamed And Disrespected Before The Public And Media And Whole Nations.!!
I have a question to asked every single church here in this state and country world wide globe, What are you doing behind the pulpit for and is leading people here in this time and when neither one of you was not call of God here to preach in this state and country and are a murderer and an adulterer and descendants of this evil spirit and beast offspring having a bad name and
reputation and every church here in this state is a legit and a fake and perpetrator and puts on this front in the media and public to hide their true identity and when they know they are cold blooded murderers trying to condemn the whole world having no damn respect. And what is
every church here in this time and state is lying for and God did not call neither one of you to
preach here in this time and the whole world and state and neither do you belong behind the pulpit and are murderers and whoremongers having no legal rights to preach and do baptism and marriages having a bad name and reputation and will be used against them for a witness and having no damn respect and God is using the government and is punishing the whole
nations here now using this deadly plague and people is sitting here acting like spoil damn children and this plague will not be the only thing people will see here in this time and there will be more things people will see here in this time when this prophecy comes to pass here in the future in the book of Revelation, and think the vaccine is protecting them here and will need
more protection than that and the vaccine cannot protect a person from God are this virus and people will learn the hard way. Cold blooded murderers and adulterers have no damn place are business in the pulpit leading a church and belong behind bars and is making the nations here think they are leading them to salvation and neither one of them was call of God to preach and is
responsible people families soul being condemn in hell because they were never
told the truth and was without salvation. And I do not know how much more long will my posts be available on line and they are doing everything here in their power to have them remove and not to warn people and for more post details see below.
A Public Announcement'' Their Enemies Is Planning To Take Then Down Here In The Future In The Book Of Revelation And Thought They Was Being Smart Thinking They Can Cover Up Their Crimes And Have The Whole World Condemn And No One Doesn't Know And Have Attempted Murder And Using False Identity Nor Do They Have Illegal Rights To Do Marriages Are Baptism Are Deliverance And To Preach!!