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Impersonator Government Of The United Nations And Deacons And Priests And Pastor's And Fake Prophets

Writer's picture: Ancient Research Of The BibleAncient Research Of The Bible

Impersonator Government Of The United Nations And Deacons And Priests And Pastor's And Fake Prophets And Evangelists And Reverends And Bishops Are Being Reported For Murder And Scandal And Committing Criminal Malicious Acts And Fraudulent Against The Whole Nations And Misled The Whole Nations With False Information!!

People is not aware of this scandal the government of the United Nations have committed against the whole nations are based on prophecies of the bible they are bringing to pass and have misled the whole nations with false information and have a mote in their own eye and are condemning people for their crimes and people being arrested.

Crimes and murder are being committed nations wide because people have no idea the bible are based on prophecies they are bringing to pass here, and they think they can cover up a scandal and are being reported in the open because this is a crime and scandal, cannot be cover up and people will know the truth about the

government and deacons and priests and pastor's and fake prophets and evangelists and reverends think they are getting away with lying and the nations will not find out the truth about them and what make them know for certain the nations will not find out the truth about them, if what God is telling a person in the bible is the truth

and why would God punish people for if they think they can get away making excuses causing the whole nations to corrupt themselves because they want their evil way having power over the nations and the whole nations is suffering and being destroy because of evil and this is not about dirty corrupt rats having power, this is

about a person life and soul and God's law. And spirits are still in people here and never had them cast out and think God will let them get away with lying to the whole nations and have put the whole nations in danger of damnation, must be crazy and they are being reported in the open because this is a crime and scandal,

cannot be cover up and people do know this is for real and the government of the United Nations and deacons and priests and pastor's and fake prophets and evangelists and reverends and bishops cannot stop the scriptures from fulfilling and people knowing the truth and need to know their dawn wrong and must be crazy thinking

people are just supposed to sit here thinking there is nothing wrong here and when it is and people are living here in sin and who gives them the right playing God and the whole nations are living here in sin and all those poor bastards can think about is power and want their dirty way with the whole nations and have put the whole

nations in danger of damnation and people are suffering because of evil spirits and curses and all they can think about is power and screwing the whole nations and underage children having no conscience and do not care about the truth and people are in relationships not married and men with men and women with women and

people are suffering because of curses and evil spirits and think people are supposed to believe what they tell them here, must be crazy and people are sitting here going crazy thinking they are just living here in freedom, and they must be crazy thinking they can do people that way because they take pleasure in filth and

people need to know their wrong here and be ruled by God laws and not with confuse delusional spirits who likes to have their way with young boys and girls and who gives them the right playing God and need themselves be stone and condemned and not just people.

The Whole Nations Are Under Attack And Is In A State Of Emergency People Are In Relationships With Demons Living Here In This Time In Celestial Bodies Breeding Their Children, Cursed With Serpent Seed!!!

People are living here with dangerous out of control demon's evil spirits aliens hiding in humans and children are no longer safe in schools anymore and people are no longer safe in their homes are in public places and are living here with dangerous out of control spirits in them using them to destroy mankind and the

whole world needs to realize they are having a serious problem here and is in a state of emergency and people are in relationships with devils' breeding their children, cursed with the devil's seed because of generation curses and the government and every church here in this time are being control by demons, evil spirits and people

think because what happen here in that time in the bible and think they are not having the same problems here in this time because what happen in that time in the bible and people are having the same problems here in this time because what happen in that time in the bible and how can people be thinking God was just

talking to people in that time in the bible and he is not talking to them here in this time, like if he is not for real and how can people be still confuse what God is telling them in the bible and are still thinking they are just living here and they have the original gospel here in this time to tell them and people in this time do not know

why they are having problems here in the first place, is because they are breaking God's law and this is not a problem a person can run away from, because this evil concerns the whole world and people are having problems here is because of evil and this problem cannot be annoyed, and people can see where they are having

problems here and this is not one person problem, and this problem concerns the whole world, and a person has nowhere to run in this world and a person cannot run away from their problems and no matter what race are color a person may be and where they are in this world this is not a problem a person can run away from.

A person running away can help nothing and will still have the problem to deal with and how could people want to live here with filthy spirits in them using their body to do unclean things and are having people doing crazy things and are using children in school, to shoot their teachers and kill people and how can people be

still thinking they are just living here if what God is telling them in the bible. God cursed people in the bible and putted enmity between Eve and the devil seed here centuries ago in the book of Genesis 3:1-24 for disobeying him and a person needs to read and study the bible how generation curses was pass down to our time and

people in that time in the bible were cursed and married and had children by people cursed with serpent seed and pass down from generation and people are repeating the same mistake here in this time, people made in the bible and are mixing their seed here with devils cursed with serpent seed and they are an abomination and

curse with the devil's seed. And millions and millions of people could be infected here in this time with virus bacterial from contaminated vaccine infected with virus bacterial and a person may be infected as the host carrying a deadly virus bacterial and not showing signs and the vaccine only purpose is to contain bacterial in the

body for a period of time and has nothing to do with protecting a person from becoming infected and a person still can become infected with virus bacterial as the host transmitting a dangerous virus and people are being use for a host and when the vaccine is no longer affected in a person body, the person can get sick and die.

And this is why God destroyed this whole earth in the bible here centuries ago with a great flood in the book of Genesis, was because people corrupted themselves and were possessed by devils and people are making the same mistake here in this time, and are corrupting themselves and are being possessed by devils and an evil spirit

main purpose and goal are to get the whole nations to corrupt themselves and possessed by devils to get them destroy and they know if they can succeed the whole nations can be destroyed and people are living here in sin and is corrupting themselves and people have not received instruction from God here in this time was

because they were never told the truth about their ancestors when they were living here in their time before we were here and God was not just talking to people here in that time in the bible, he is talking to people here in this time and about the future and a person would have to go back to the beginning in the book of Genesis

to learn the truth about their ancestors and how generation curses was pass down to our time and people have been deceive by demons teaching false doctrine here in this time, and because what started in that time in the bible long time ago people are having the same problems here in this time, because the problem began with

their ancestors here first when they were living here in their time and a person would have to go back to the beginning in the bible to find out what their ancestors did here in their time when they were living here, to cause people to have the same problems here in this time, and what is the main thing God is talking about in the

bible about those people in that time and what is the first thing God is pointing out about them and what is he saying, because this is where the problem began when God made a covenant with our forefathers here centuries ago in the bible and his ten commandments and people in that time in the bible and from generation-to-

generation were living here for a very long time before we were here and many of them left from the commandments of God and sold themselves to do evil in the sight of the Lord, and God turned them over to their enemies and during all that time more people was coming here into generation and was not aware their

ancestors left from the commandments of God and were turned over to their enemies for disobeying God and people in this time have been deceive by demons teaching false doctrine and are living here in sin and is breaking God commandments and their enemies know people are breaking God commandments

and are living here in sin because they want the whole nations to corrupt themselves. Demons in celestial bodies have their own body and can breed with human beings and they are living here in our time and demons in terrestrial ghost bodies can live in a human body and can possessed a person and that is a person

business because they didn't believe what God is telling them and think they can live their life here based on a lie and are living here with demons' aliens and the stinky bastards and all their kind here are going back to hell, anyway when this is over with and think this bull crapp, they are doing here in this time are supposed to

be a secret and putting on fake acts just to fool the public and people in the media and the whole nations, like they have something to smile about and are going back to hell when this is over with and the whole nations should have known demons are for real and they do exist and are living here in our time and are the most deadliest

creatures and there is nothing secret about them because they are written in the bible, and they are living here in our time and are just as real as you and I and can manifest themselves to look like a deceased person are a ghost and can appear in orb forms and what people are seeing here in this time are real demons making

themselves look like ghosts are the dead and spirits can have their own celestial body and looks human and can breed with humans and spirits in celestial bodies can breed with humans because the same thing happen here before in that time here centuries ago in the book of Genesis 6:1-4 And it came to pass, when men

began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and came down from heaven and they took them wives of all which they chose, and they bare children to them. In 2 Peter 2:4 God Punished his angels and casted them down to hell

abounded in chains, and spirits, angels and demons are living here in our time in celestial bodies and bodies terrestrial and in 1 Corinthians 15:39-41 the bible talks about the flesh of man and the flesh of beasts and of fishes and birds and also celestial bodies and bodies terrestrial and demons in terrestrial ghost bodies can

live in a human body and can use a person in their body to do unclean things and the filthy, stinky bastards have no shame are respect, like a dog and will attack a child in its body sexually and people in this time are mixing their seed with demons

in celestial bodies because of generational curses and for more details and how they were pass down to our generation because of curses, please see the below links.

Hebrews 13:2 Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares

The whole nations are under attack and is in a state of emergency and needs to be brought to a person attention they are living here with real monsters, thousands and thousands of them and can make themselves look like the dead and are having people here in this time thinking they are investigating ghosts are the dead to

deceive people and people are not living here with spirits because people and evil spirits can coexist living together and they are manipulating and are controlling the whole nations and are having people thinking and believing lies they were told about the gospel and about them living here and UFOs, and they are manipulating

and controlling people here in this time, lying to them about the gospel and think they have control of the whole nations is because people do not know the truth about the gospel and about them living here and they have power over them, and the nations and have the whole nations corrupting themselves and people are living

here in sin and are breaking God commandments. And this is not about a wicket corrupt government and church having their way with the nations screwing the whole nations, like if this is about them and not the gospel and have the whole nations living here in sin, is no excuse and people are not living here in this world to

sin, like it supposed to be an excuse for them having the whole nations living here in sin, then why are people being punish for the same crimes those filthy bastards are doing here, like it supposed to be an excuse to sin if it is based on the gospel and it is no excuse people are living here in sin, because if people can make an excuse

living here in sin, what would be the point the gospel is for if people can live here in sin, it would not make any sense to me and how can there be a God of righteousness if people can live here in sin and there is no excuse whatsoever the government and church are having people living here in sin having no shame because they are

corrupted themselves and does not care how this looks in front the nations and is setting a bad example in front the nations and all they care about is having their way and think they can use people for an excuse, because they want their way like a pissy child and the government and CDC are misleading the public and nations and

the vaccine has nothing to do with protecting a person from getting the virus and a person may be infected not showing signs and people are repeatedly transmitting a deadly virus in their community risking others and themselves and Covid 19 still remains a threat to the whole nations. The government and church and the whole

nations have no dawn excuse here and people have the right and are supposed to know the truth about the government and church based on prophecies people are bringing to pass here and think they are having pleasure screwing the whole nations and how can a thing think it can have pleasure not human and how can people be

serving God here in this time if they don't know the truth and people are in the church here for nothing with no salvation, is just dawn crazy and a person cannot serve a purpose living in sin and when a person leave the earth their soul will perish in hell. The government and every church here in this time is not who people think

they are and have misled the whole nations about the truth and people think they are living their life here in freedom and are breaking God commandments and this is why the whole nations are having problems here is because of evil and a person will not survive living their life here in sin based on lies, and sin is a curse and do

people and those imposters here in this time think God is going to excuse that and do people think because they are living here, it means God does not mind people living here in sin and corruption and if God destroyed this whole earth here centuries ago in the bible with a great flood, because people in that time thought the

same way and misunderstood God and thought he didn't mind people living here in sin and was destroyed for it and this should tell a person God does not like sin and what do people in this time think this should tell them here and people have destroyed themselves because of disbelief, thinking they can live here in sin and not

suffer the consequences and a person cannot explain their existing and what purpose they are here for and what reason God would have to lie too people for if what he is telling a person in the bible is true and the only way a person will survive is through God, because a person cannot do this alone and fix their own problems

and themselves because people make too many mistakes because what they are thinking and are their own worst enemy and for a person to have God understanding, the person would have to be the one to walk through the door and trust God to lead them, because God cannot help a person doubting him and the

devil will put doubts into a person mind to get the person to sin and a person should be tired of living in sin and there is no peace are freedom in sin. And when you see people in the media, they think because they have money and wealth and fancy cars and homes, they are living on top of the world and are blinded by lust,

greed, and pride and what does a man profit by gaining the whole world and lose his soul and a person money and wealth and friends and family cannot save a person soul and people in this time will have to face reality and what is coming here to pass when the time comes. And they are debating and fighting each other here

about whom will be the next president here and think they can manipulate and use people to vote for them here, their enemies, and this is why they want this devil, Trump out the way is because this next person who may be president could be the one who is going into perdition, will be given power over these whole nations and

people and tongues for forty and two months and will be bringing these whole nations down here in the future in the book of Revelation and will make war with the whole nations, they are all devils. And where a person soul is going in the afterlife is very serious and a person soul is nothing to play around with and people

have the slightest clue are idea what the hell they are doing here and is not aware of this situation they are in here and how serious this is and think they are just living here, not realizing the original gospel were written about people in this time and their ancestors and God commandments and the future, they are bringing to pass

and the government and church think they can hide the truth from people, like if people are not supposed to know about this situation they are in here and how serious this is, then how do you explain this mess, if people are not supposed to know and people are living here on the same earth with monsters in them using

them here to destroy mankind and how can people live here in sin if what God is telling a person in the bible are supposed to be the truth and people have no excuse living here in sin and is not God's will for mankind and how can people are supposed to know their wrong if they are hiding themselves in people and the truth

and are nothing but lunatics having no meaning to them and are dumber than animals and needs their sorrow selves cast out of people here right away and will put dirty things into a person mind to cause a person to sin and need get put in their twisted paranoid insane mind and remind them about their filthy selves and in

hell, where they belong and having no meaning to them and is just a disgrace and a shame and think they can relate to people the same way humans do and control the way a person thinks and talk when they are in a person body and are loose cannon balls with no control of themselves and think people are supposed to trust a lying

spirit and want people to get vaccinate with deadly toxic poison booster shots and vaccine and toxic pills and destroyed DNA,'' and no church here in this time were send from God people were misled by demons in the church teaching false doctrine and think they can talk to people about sin but is not telling people they have a

mote in their own eye and have sin and do not talk what they preach and what the scriptures says about them and what will become of the sorrow bastards when the time comes and are a defeated fool having no kingdom to rule but hell their home and they are already defeated according to the scriptures and are going back to hell

when the time comes and have the nerve preaching to people about sin and do not talk what they preach and have a mote in their own dawn eye and is not telling people the truth about themselves and what will become of them and they are already defeated and are going back to hell, their home sweet home, when the time

comes and this main ringleader written in the book of Revelation 20:1-15 will be going to prison for a thousand years and then to hell when the time comes and if they can preach to people about sin, then how come they cannot be honest with themselves and tell people the truth about them in the media and public they are

screwing the whole nations and underage children and have committed kidnapping and have sold underage boys and girl into sex trafficking and have sacrificed, babies, people, and children to devils for burnt offerings to gain wealth and they are stinking devils transforming themselves into angels of light and have committed

scandal and fraud and treason and adultery and false identity and thief and whordom and murder and how can they preach to people about sin having a mote in their own twisted eye and are misleading people about the truth and teaching people false doctrine and people are in the church here for nothing with no

salvation and it is not natural a person neglecting they are having a problem here with entities and it is not natural a person rejecting the gospel knowing they can do nothing about it and avoiding this problem here and can see themselves having problems here and a person are supposed to know when someone means

them harm because it is about the person life and soul and people were misled by demons in the church leading them to hell.

Therres Danger!!! (Warning), The Fate Of The Nations Are In Great Jeopardy And Are Being Destroyed Because Of Evil''

The Fate Of The Nations Are In Great Jeopardy And Are Under Attack And Are Being Sermonized And Destroyed And Cursed With Plagues And Sickness And Are Being Destroyed By Storms And Fire And Wild Beasts And Madness!!

People Become Aware They Were Lying To Them And Have Put Their Life And Soul In Danger Lying To Them About The Truth, Will Not Look Good For Them!!!

It Is Something Terribly Wrong With Every Single Church Here In Our Time And State And Is Not In Their Right Frame Of Mind And Is Damn Paranoid!!

A Generation Of Cursed Vipers And Demons Descendants Of Cain Corrupt Bloodline Living Here In Our Time..

A Curse Is Upon Them Because Of The Sins Of Their Forefathers And Because Of Their Sins And Trespass Against God And Have Broken His Covenant He Gave Them Into The Hand Of The Heathen; And They That Hated Them Ruled Over Them And Sold Their Ancestors Into Slavery And Ripped Up Their Women With Child.

Descendants Of The Devil Off Springs And The Remnant Who Made A Covenant With Him Is At War With The Descendants Of Israel God's Chosen People And The Remnant Which Keep The Commandments Of God And The Testimony Of Jesus Christ'' And They Use The Name Israel For Them Selves To Make People Think They Was God's Chosen Nation. The Name Israel Was Given To God's Chosen People When God Made A Covenant With Jacob And Many Nations And Kings And Tongues Was Born After Their Seed.



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