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The Government Know The Whole Earth Is Being Invade With Dangerous Extraterrestrials And We Are In A State Of Emergency And Is Under Attack And The Government Is Holding Back On The Public And Is Not

Writer's picture: Ancient Research Of The BibleAncient Research Of The Bible

The Government Know The Whole Earth Is Being Invade With Dangerous Extraterrestrials And We Are In A State Of Emergency And Is Under Attack And The Government Is Holding Back On The Public And Is Not Warning Them And Know Those Ugly Bastards Are Planning To Attack This Whole Nations Here Very Soon When This Prophecy Comes To Pass In The Book Of Revelation And They Are Recruiting Large Groups Of Followers Here And Gathering A Large Army For War On The Nations And To Corrupted Man's Seed!!

And how can the government protect and serve the nations if they are not doing their damn job telling the truth and is lying in front the whole nations and wants the whole nation to kiss their lying as*s and hand them a gold medal on a plate and how can they accuse the nations and when they are criminals themselves and a

lying as*s hole full of sh*t and whore leading the nations and they are recruiting large groups of followers nationwide for war, and they need people and themselves to help them to do it, to produce more offsprings and corrupt seeds of the devil for war and to corrupted man's seed, and people do not have two are three months to

wait and the longer people wait more will die and possessed by evil spirits. And why does people don't know about these attacks here and the gospel was written about people in this time and their ancestors and God commandments based on prophecies people are bringing to pass and why does half the whole world don't

know the gospel was written based on prophecies about people in this time and the pass and future. They are sending the wrong message out through their sick character to the whole world, setting a bad example, this is about evil and hate and violence, rather than about love and righteousness and if this is all people are

supposed to know is hate and evil, is what the person will act on, is the hate and evil and how can people come from a God of love, if all people are supposed to know is hate and evil. The whole earth is being invade by dangerous extraterrestrials and people are in great danger here and all they care about, the government and world

leaders, is power and control and their filthy lust and it is something about their character is not right, wanting to hurt people and why do they want to hurt people so much, is it because they are paranoid and delusional insane creatures having no meaning are purposed to them having insecure problems and how can people

defend themselves if they do not know what they are fighting and is under attack by evil spirits and they will try to force a person to be manipulated by them using a person body for them to get laid, manipulating the person's body sexually, like if is themselves making out and getting laid, and what is the big deal and why is it so

important to them what a person is feeling using the person body, those bit*hs can't feel nothing and have nothing in common with people, having no live hood like a real man and is neither male are female and what do a stupid creature be doing thinking itself can get laid and is making out with the whole earth manipulating

people body, and what are people here for if they are not here to learn and why are there so many devils living here on the earth for, if the gospel is supposed to be based on righteous laws and why would a person not be concern and upset about this filth and corruption here in their world and do not have a problem with filth

and corruption and the way they are living, and it does not take no one that long for them to figure out and recognize what evil is here and it is not normal are natural a person isn't concern about corruption and evil here in their world and the way people are living. And creatures are picking on and attacking people here in the

earth and devils are taking over this whole earth and they do not belong on this earth but in hell and are causing the whole world problems here because of their corruption and evil and a person can see what a nasty devil is all about and like their filth and pleasure and is nasty as hell and do not care about a damn thing are

no one and the way they live and has no respect for no one and do not like taking orders from no one are following rules and is stubborn as hell and hardheaded and do not like to listen and likes telling lies and stealing and committing crimes and violence. Devils are taking over this whole earth and this is why the whole earth is

filled with corruption and evil, is because devils are taking over this earth and people are mixing their seeds with devils corrupt of the devil's seed and is producing more offsprings and are bringing more of them here and they do not belong here on this earth and think they can hide their devils and are corrupted

seed of the devil. A person keeping silence will not help this problem the whole world is facing here, and people are bringing more of them here and do not know what those lying bastards are up too and are doing here behind their backs right under their nose, and is creating a problem for other people living here on the earth

because of their corruption and evil and are a curse and abomination, bringing plagues and curses on this whole earth and the longer people remain here living with them will create more problems for other people and the way they live and think they have the right to be here on the earth and belong here like other people,

and they do not have the right to be here, because the laws were written based on righteousness and obedience and I guess they think God is supposed to let them have their damn way, like if he is one of them too and do not care giving a damn about nothing and are full of bull sh*t, pretending they are Christians serving God

playing church and likes telling lies and stealing and do not give a damn about obeying and people are being sexually attack here by creatures and are descendants of corruption, seed of the devil, is going back to hell and they can have their tea party and screw themselves in hell. People mixing with alien seed is a recipe for bad

disasters and are a different breed and wild and dangerous species and they are trying to make it look like people are just living a normal life here on the earth in freedom and how can people live a normal life with wild and dangerous species attacking people here on the earth and the whole world is fighting a beast, and no

matter what a person cannot be deceive because how they may appear are look and can manifest themselves into, to deceive a person, whether a person are thing, and an evil spirit is very convincing and likes to have their way and does not back off so easily and will do just about anything to deceive a person to change the person's

heart to become the darkness just like themselves and will deceive a person pretending they are your friend there to help you, playing on the person's emotion and heart to get the person to believe in their mind, feeling anger and hate and pain and bitterness and rage and loneness and greed and pride and envy and jealousy

and not having patience and likes to back bit and calling names and swearing and is unforgiving and regret and self-pity and doubt and hopelessness and sorrow and many more things they will do to manipulate a person's emotion and what the person may be going through in their life, to change the person's heart to be fill with

darkness. People go through problems in their life is because is a part of life, and it is only normal for a person to react what they are feeling are may be going through in their life, as long as the person does not continue dwelling on what they may be going through in their life, whether if it is doubt are hurt and pain are hate and

anger and rage and bitterness and self-pity are unforgiveness and sorrow and pride and lust and holding hate and grudges and are against people and lying and stealing and cheating and bearing false witness and swearing and committing murder are anything, a person cannot move forward in their life and becomes trapped and is a

prisoner in their own mind and heart and is slowly dying on the inside and darkness fills the heart having no meaning and purpose until a person dies and an evil spirit will manipulate a person into thinking in their mind there is no hope, and all is lost and there is no forgiveness for bad people who made mistakes in their life

and is too late and there is no forgiveness because the person's hands is too dirty and they have sin, and they want the person to think there is no other way out for them and is too late, is a lying devil and according to the scriptures all have sin and have fallen short of his glory and it is not too late for no one, if the person wants to

repent and redeemed themselves, because the creator of heaven and earth is a God of forgiveness and love and peace, and a person can be shown the way, it is the person's choice if they choose to walk through the door and each person has a story to tell in their life and is not alone and may be going through something in their life

right now, whether is hurt and pain and grief and think all is lost and thinks giving up is the only answer and must have courage and faith and hope what they believe in their heart, is the person's greatest strength and courage and faith and hope, having love and life is not easy and is a challenge and sometimes a test and a person

may not know how the devil may come at a person, pretending whether they may be a friend are family member are counselor, or caretaker and teacher there to help a person who may be going through a hard time in their life and feels trapped and cannot move forward, is because the person may not know how and do not know

the way and people sometimes look for excuses and want to blame other people for their mistakes, is because people sometimes have a hard time excepting the truth and are in denial, they are responsible for their own action and mistakes and whatever bad experience a person may had in their life, an evil spirit will remind

the person of it, whether it be alcohol are drug addiction are whatever the problem may be, they will remind the person to go back and repeat the same problem again and again and a person will never get bypass the problems in their life, if they cannot find the way and strength and courage, letting go of pain and hurt forgiving

themselves and others thinking there is no way out and a person will never forget bad experiences they had in their life, whether good are bad, it is a person's choice if they choose to move forward and find the way and forgiving themselves and others and an evil spirit will manipulate a person feeling guilty and shame thinking is their

fault and they are to blame, thinking they can save are help another person who does not want to be save are help and the person is not to blame and sometimes tries too hard, thinking they can help another person who does not want to be save are help are the person in their life and a person never forgets the people they care

about the most and have not given up on them, sometimes is best to walkway and an evil spirit does not give up so easily and will keep manipulating the person until they give in and if they cannot have their way with a person, they will try to destroy the person and is just like a bugging parasite never goes away and keeps coming

back and will do just about anything to manipulate a person's emotion and will pretend they are your friend, and they care about a person and is there to help, whether they may be a neighbor are husband and wife and son and daughter are anything and they will use and tempt a person with lust and money and drugs and

material things of the world and being rich having power and glory and anything in the world a person wants, to deceive the person and wants the person to think just like themselves a loser having no meaning and purpose and wants a person to think having the world is the only important thing in life and money is everything and life

simple pleasure and evil is the only thing a person should hate and love good and what does it profit a person having the world and to lose their own soul and man cannot live by bread alone, but by every word of God. And the government and world leaders do not care about the nations being in danger are warning people and

an evil spirit will use someone close to the person to work their way in a person life, whether they may be a friend are neighbor and darkness is consuming the whole world because of corruption and hate, and people are being sexually attack by creatures and is making it look bad, like if people are here on the earth for other

reason and what were laws written for if people are supposed to be filthy and corrupt and world leaders are leading people in the wrong way, causing people to corrupt themselves and how can people be here on the earth to obey God's law if they are corrupting themselves and how can people be blame and judge for their

action if they are being lied too about the truth and think they have the right to judge and condemn the whole world and what in the hell creatures want with people bodies, like if people are some kind of experiment and the whole world should have figure out by now and what in the hell a person is supposed to want

with dangerous out of control, violent creatures and is lying in front the whole nations and why are they insulting God for lying about the truth.

How Can They Be World Leaders And Since They Are Doing This Intentional Telling Lies And Being Dishonest With The Nations And Attacking The Nations And Think, They Can Make Excuses With The Whole Nations Here, Because They Are Full Of Sh*t With Games, The Nations Have Their Rights To Bring This Before Their Face Out In The Open And To Tell Them Their Stupid Sh*t Will Not Be Tolerated With Here Or Their Lies, Because They Want Their Filthy Pleasure And Can Take That Sh*t Back To The Other Side In Hell!!


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